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Happy Pride Month, NCD!
  • Happy Pride!

  • Is this actually credible??
  • I thought this place was for jokes. Why is there an infographic?

  • they did it.
  • What am I looking at?

  • An international institution doing something based for once
  • That doesn't really fit my platonic ideal of "good guy" but it's a decent characterization nonetheless.

  • An international institution doing something based for once
  • I can't think of a single motivation for doing that.

  • An international institution doing something based for once
  • No one is saying that they're equally bad.

  • An international institution doing something based for once
  • 0 points

    Some folk are having difficulty figuring out that there aren't any good guys here. We have (in no particular order):

    Hamas, who are killing and raping innocent civilians, maintaining military rule, and generally being some of the most prominent examples of why theocracy is bad.

    Israel, who's doing a genocide and helped ensure Hamas was in power because Hamas is fucking evil and thus easy to hate.

    The US who is supplying the former, and thus making things easier for them. Simultaneously, Biden appears to be trying to get a bunch of countries to form a peacekeeping force, but frankly I'm not giving him points for that. (Ofc, this does not mean you shouldn't vote for him. Trump is worse.)

    A large ammount of civilians who are being pushed by the first two into making each other victims and being brainwashed into thinking that one or the other is good.

    The closest we have to a good guy in this scenario is fucking Egypt who's participating in a scheme to maintain a peacekeeping force. And as far as I remember not doing anything shady that's relevant. Reminder that this is the country that periodically comes out with a magical AIDS-curing laser.

  • Dark Magician Girl - Yu☆Gi☆Oh!
  • I love her in a "she's my little cousin who I babysit" sort of way.

  • Ok бuddy
  • I have Greek (for math) and Japanese (because I periodically get depressed that I'm mono-lingual, and get convinced I can learn it "this time") keyboards installed on my phone, and that's how I access them as well. My guess is that there there are some ways to switch languages that make it easier to make a mistake, but I can't say for sure since I don't have a whole lot of knowledge on the subject.

  • Ok бuddy
  • Vatnik detected.

  • Ukrainian, from the occupied territories, gets drafted into the Russian Army. Takes care of the problem in the best way.
  • Look, if Russia wants to keep giving Ukrainians weapons, I think we should support them in this endeavor.

  • Hear me out...
  • Cybertits.

  • Decisions, decisions.
  • Wait, can a tank get pregnant?

    Asking for a friend.

  • Pirates stand no chance
  • Wow, that's gotta be like 5x their standing army or something!

  • Cockpit
  • Only if he's cute.

  • We all knew it be him
  • Based and Targaryen-pilled.