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'It hasn't delivered': The spectacular failure of self-checkout technology
  • Problem is they save on the humans so you have to do their work too but you don't see any price reduction or benefit for doing so, and that is on top of all the usability issues...

  • X outage breaks all outgoing links, again
  • Please don't give Musk ideas for his next stupid rebranding

  • Twitch updates sexual content guidelines amid ‘topless’ meta backlash
  • Glad I'm not on twitch, or twitter, or instagram or TikTok...but what a time to be alive for camgirls and camboys and everything in between or outside of that.

  • Google Removes App That Helps People Boycott Pro-Israel Companies
  • take my upvote good sir

  • YouTube just made it harder to avoid ads with a tiny skip button
  • yeah same for me. Completely moved away from google and only have the account for youtube, and I use that only with either firefox or safari on my mobile devices with an adblocker.

  • YouTube just made it harder to avoid ads with a tiny skip button
  • that's maybe your opinion. I have absolute no problems with the look and feel of youtube in safari and I have all the functionality I need (play videos with screen off and on).

    It is nearly identical to the app.

  • YouTube just made it harder to avoid ads with a tiny skip button
  • I really hope not. Otherwise that would be the end for me. Same as reddit I simply would delete my account and uninstall everything related to it :)

  • YouTube just made it harder to avoid ads with a tiny skip button
  • Because it's absolutely not the same experience?

    It looks pretty much like the app, I get recommendations like in the app, can watch my subscriptions like in the app, can see comments, video or fullscreen mode. Don't know about you but for me this just feels like the app.

    They break all the time but they always fix them. LibreTube has been broken for the past few days but they'll fix it soon enough

    That just sounds awful and would be a reason for me to stay far away from these apps

  • YouTube just made it harder to avoid ads with a tiny skip button
  • same for me. I wouldn't trust my password to another unofficial app if I could use just my browser for the same experience.

  • YouTube just made it harder to avoid ads with a tiny skip button
  • ok. im gonna stick with my browser solution, don't need anything else and it works great.

    i'm getting downvoted for this, lol 🤣

  • YouTube just made it harder to avoid ads with a tiny skip button
  • are they? I think they talk about the screenshots on that page showing the youtube app on iphone.

  • YouTube just made it harder to avoid ads with a tiny skip button
  • why installing something when you just can use your browser and get basically the same experience?

    Also those apps will be useless when they mess around with the api just like reddit did.

  • YouTube just made it harder to avoid ads with a tiny skip button
  • safaris address bar is at the bottom and also hides no.

  • YouTube just made it harder to avoid ads with a tiny skip button
  • delete the stupid app and use youtube on safari with adblock. works like a charm.

  • YouTube just made it harder to avoid ads with a tiny skip button
  • easy fix: don't use the app on your phone.

    instead use youtube via your browser with adblock (for instance safari + adblock pro) and create a shortcut on your homescreen. you can use youtube just like in the app, you won't have any ads and you also can play videos with your screen turned off

  • Detroit's newest road can charge electric cars as they drive on it
  • awesome so Robocop can charge while driving to a crime!

  • If you live in the EU - you may also be faced with this Meta prompt. Info in text.
  • Nah, Lemmy can somtimes be a little cringe and insulting but has no narcisitic sociopaths in charge like the others have 😅

  • avater avater

    👻 Booooh...get fucked!

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