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Apple plans to charge fees for sideloading
  • I don’t think that’s true at present. You can do it with the free account to sign builds for your own devices. If you need to run a build on a device that isn’t your own, you’ll need a developer account to get a certificate to sign your builds. It’s not great but you don’t have to pay to test your own app out on your own devices.

  • Stop using Opera Browser and Opera GX
  • And it’s always been Firefox since day one. Out of the ashes of Netscape Navigator rose Firefox and Mozilla have been one of the only bastions of the free and open web ever since. I honestly don’t understand why anyone would use another browser.

  • 2024 could be the year the PC finally dumps x86 for Arm, all thanks to Windows 12 and Qualcomm's new chip
  • I had a Mac G4 just before the transition from PPC and while that was painful (since x86 emulation sucked) this is a whole different kettle of fish.

    These days I’m running all sorts of VMs for research and UTM or QEMU on macOS ARM just doesn’t cut the cheese. On a laptop, sure, ARM is fine. Heck, even in a data centre it’s fine, but on workstations, ARM is too sluggish for virtualisation or anything except ARM. Not to mention the shocking state of Windows 11 on ARM and how loads of Windows components don’t actually function properly or even run. Defenders GUI doesn’t even open!

  • 2024 could be the year the PC finally dumps x86 for Arm, all thanks to Windows 12 and Qualcomm's new chip
  • Having used an ARM Mac, and the pains of countless utilities and apps that are x86/x64 only, as well as the pains of virtualising x86/x64 operating systems, I’m not a fan. I can virtualise ARM just fine on x64 but not the other way around.

    (Edit: I’m not referring to OS utilities and apps - Apple have done a fine job with porting the OS to ARM, but the same can’t be said for the wider ecosystem - especially FOSS and niche developer toolchains).

  • Apple And Google Are Sending Your Push Notifications to The Government
  • The term “push notification” comes from how it enables developers to “push” users, even when they’re not active.

    An app developer can (potentially) vibrate a device, make it emit noise, flash a light, appear on the screen, and exist in a set of notifications pinned to the tops of the screens.

    Check out Three Minute Games’ mobile game series Lifeline. I think that it beautifully illustrates “pushing”. How the game pushes you to help someone survive in real time, through messages that appear alongside your real notifications.

    The game tells you when you’re playing, not the other way round. Buzz buzz, come and play with me.

  • Apple And Google Are Sending Your Push Notifications to The Government
  • The general design is a single system component wakes up the device when it’s sleeping (such as during screen off) and checks in with Apple/Google servers to see if there are any notifications.


    Imagine if every app needed to wake up your device and make network requests to check for notifications etc. The more apps, the faster your battery drain as a queue of apps grows, constantly waking up your device to call home and check for notifications.

    Hence Push Notification Services. Instead, developers send a notification to Apple/Google who then pool those notifications with notifications from other apps/developers. Then the single notification service on your device periodically wakes up the device and checks for notifications.

    Additionally, push notification systems by OSs are designed with efficiency and minimal networks requests and bandwidth utilisation so an app can’t chew up user’s data quotas due to being poorly written.

    TL;DR: It saves battery and network data, enabling users to use more apps.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I like to highlight to fellow parents that unrestricted access to the internet is like letting your child pop off to the big city for the night on their own. You have no idea who they’ll meet and the dangers they might face.

    Monitoring, guiding, and having regular open discussions about the internet with your child is essential and required. You have to teach them the dangers they face, go on journeys with them so they know how to safely travel on their own, and you need to check the journeys they made on their own and look for risks you need to discuss with them.

    The internet isn’t going anywhere. You can’t ban your child from it forever. Restricting means they’ll go behind your back. You have to face reality and have a few awkward discussions around pornography, violence, abuse material, stalkers, grooming, viruses, privacy, and more. But making it okay to discuss these things and to keep internet use as something to be discussed openly and honestly is the only way you’ll help prepare your children to surf safely and to come to you if they’re concerned about something.

  • Google and major mobile carriers want Europe to regulate Apple's iMessage platform
  • I’ve read the specification. Google’s implementation is the only real implementation (raw RCS is basically a dead project) as Google have added a load of custom extensions to RCS that means, to be interoperable, you’d need to use Google’s (which I imagine requires licensing since it doesn’t appear to be open source).

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

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