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Best friends spend more than 1% on defense
  • Wait, so are people in this community just roleplaying being pro-military, and it's actually all meant to make fun of that thought process? Because honestly it's very much not clear.

  • Best friends spend more than 1% on defense
  • Yo wtf? No you didn't warn me, you banned me for a comment made before the warning came in.

    And wtf gives anyway. Can't handle your shitty murderous ideology being faced with some very milquetoast polite pushback from someone who was agreeing with the message in the image that you've allowed to keep up anyway (if not with the title of that post). Geez, why not just head back to Reddit if that's the style of moderation you think is appropriate?

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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