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Remember kids, nuking biggots is always morally correct
  • apologies for the cringe outsider comment, can someone explain or link what the meta/lore of this community is?

    seems like without the parallel r/CredibleDefense this place is quickly just becoming a safe space for thinly veiled bigoted takes a la r/FrenWorld (edit: like how does this not directly break rule 4? lol)

    let me know if/where im wrong i hope i am lol

  • AI hiring tools may be filtering out the best job applicants
  • you are right, i don’t know how LLMs are trained, but ironically, this is a perfect example of a minority being privelaged by a system, and racism is still very much involved.

    an important assumption you have to consider: in your example, why did the AI know what race people are in the first place? it seems a small consideration but it’s so wildly significant.

    the modern understanding of race was not present throughout all of history, and only arose in the 17th century. without getting into the weeds, the fact that your fictional AI can distinguish between whiteness and non-whiteness already means it was designed by someone who understands those structures, and let them slip into the AI itself.

    a perfectly well-meaning and anti-racist designer would prevent the AI from even recognizing race at all costs, both directly by sanitizing training data to remove race from the inputs, and indirectly by noting correlations with other data (such as sports, in this article) and controlling for that.

  • AI hiring tools may be filtering out the best job applicants
  • not good, the companies are not going to face any consequences for this unless something is done:

    Schellmann, meanwhile, is calling for industry-wide "guardrails and regulation" from governments or non-profits to ensure current problems do not persist. If there is no intervention now, she fears AI could make the workplace of the future more unequal than before.

    like every such extreme cost cutting measure, this is only going to hurt workers.

  • Windows 11 24H2 goes from “unsupported” to “unbootable” on some older PCs
  • yeah i did read the article. to clarify for anyone confused, folks are already bypassing the TPM requirement to get these windows installs working in the first place. the POPCNT instruction issue is only affecting installs that are already using this workaround to force W11 to run on a device it doesn’t want to work on.

  • Windows 11 24H2 goes from “unsupported” to “unbootable” on some older PCs
  • edit: pls see jj4211s comment for an actual rebuttal. the below is just me being curious and probably ill-informed. i do appreciate your help if you are feeling helpful tho.

    please identify the material changes that come with an end of support that force users to artificially switch.

    in general i am entirely on the position against ms, but i genuinely do not see any concrete evidence of a “force”; ms’s own lifecycle policy even notes that products will continue to get “security and non-security updates.”

    again i am anti-corporate, but i’d very much like to be accurate in my criticism, so any insight into the forces at play are appreciated 🙂

  • Windows 11 24H2 goes from “unsupported” to “unbootable” on some older PCs
  • do hack to make software run on unsupported hardware

    software stops working with update

    surprised pikachu

    “this is why i switched to linux” no shut up lol. this is not an issue for any average user and if you had the ability to hack the TPM requirements you have the ability to fix your borked install. this issue affects no one else. 🙂🙂🙂

  • Google Search is losing its 'cached' web page feature
  • i don’t need a search engine that understand me i need a search engine that finds sites and pages based on a string of text i provide it

    we should be calling the future piss the way it’s going down the toilet

  • Microsoft Edge is apparently usurping Chrome on people’s PCs
  • “Warren posits that the tab-snatching happened because of a bug or an inadvertently clicked-through dialog box“

    so we don’t even know if it was an accidental keysmash or not. i am fully on the side of opposition to ms, but this is a joke of journalism. let’s maybe do our research before posting rage inducing titles next time.

  • 196 spujb
    it could happen to you rule

    see if your instance is one of them here:

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